3/7/2020 Saturday In Person Absentee Voting @ Election Board

WarrenBannerMissouri voters will go to the polls Tuesday, March 10, 2020 to nominate candidates for U.S. President. 9 am to 1 pm Saturday, March 7th Special In Person Absentee Voting Day @ Board of Election, 300 N Tucker.

It’s an open primary. Voters may chose to vote a Democratic Party, Republican Party, Libertarian Party, Green Party, or Constitution Party ballot.

For the Democratic Party, Missouri will have 68 Pledged Delegates to the National Democratic Convention to nominate their candidate. Candidates are allocated delegates proportionally based on the results of the March 10 Primary. A candidate needs 15% of the vote at the Congressional District or Statewide to earn one or more delegates.

Absentee voting for this election began January 28. February 26th Deadline to Request Absentee Ballot by Mail.

Sample Ballot at Board of Election. All candidates and their websites, all parties.

Absentee Ballot Information including Printable Application.

You may vote Absentee in person from 8 am to 5 pm Monday-Friday at the Board of Elections.

Voter Registration ended for this election  February 12.

Vote Elizabeth Warren for President.

Help Elect Elizabeth Warren by attending an event, canvassing, phone banking, etc.